We plan our curriculum ensuring we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Curriculum. Our curriculum is meticulously planned, so that there is coherence and full progression in its coverage in every subject area. Our curriculum is underpinned by the principle of providing high quality educational experiences. These are focused on continued improvement of whole school standards and the development of independent, active, responsible and resilient learners.
Most of our content is subject specific, but we make relevant links with prior learning and learning in other subjects as subject specific knowledge can be mutually reinforcing. We make it clear to the children what they are learning within a subject and how this knowledge fits with their existing understanding.
We assess formatively, in every lesson. Teachers and Teaching Assistants use this to inform planning and establish any daily intervention. Summative assessment is carried out termly to inform longer-term planning and identify any longer-term interventions that are required.
The performance of individual subjects is monitored and analysed by Subject Leaders, the Deputy Head Teacher and/or the Head Teacher as part of our regular monitoring cycle which is mapped out for the whole academic year. Pupil progress reviews are conducted termly with teachers and the SENDCO to identify children who are not making expected progress and put interventions in place when and where appropriate . The information gathered provides the SLT and Governors with an up to date and comprehensive understanding of the current attainment and progress of the children in school.
Assessment data, along with findings from subject monitoring including learning walks, observations and pupil voice, are reviewed by SLT and are used to inform whole school priorities and curriculum development.