Every child is an artist. – Pablo Picasso
Subject leader: Mrs Butler
Our art curriculum is based on the Access Art curriculum. It is a knowledge rich curriculum which is also creative and open ended, allowing development of skills and techniques over time. Children use a wide range of materials in creative ways. The curriculum introduces the children to a variety of artists; children study and respond to their work and take inspiration from what other artists have done.
Every September, chilldren and staff enjoy art week in school. Often, we have visiting artists and workshops. As part of art week, children take part in Take One Picture. This is an annual project run by the National Gallery in London. Each year a picture is chosen from their collection which is then used in schools to inspire cross curricular projects.
Twice, projects from St Robert's have been selected to be exhibited in the gallery as part of the The One Picture exhibition. Watch the videos below to find out about what was exhibited and why we are so proud of our achievements.
Art week 2024. Portraits
We often contribute art to Local Exhibitions and take part in competitions.
These art works were used as part of the heritage open days in the town hall 2024.