
Coding is today's language of creativity. All our children deserve a chance to become creators instead of consumers of computer science. - Maria Klawe

Subject leader: Mrs Sykes

Our vision at St Robert’s Catholic First School is that all pupils should enjoy Computing and become confident, passionate and responsible users of technology both inside and outside of school. Through interesting, relevant and inclusive lessons, they will be able to leave Year 4 with a good understanding of how computers and the Internet work, along with being able to complete tasks on them creatively, independently and reflectively for a range of purposes and audiences.

The Computing curriculum at St. Robert’s is designed to enable pupils to embrace and utilise new technologies through the application of essential knowledge,principles and concepts. See the link below for the full 'Intent, Implementation and Impact' document for more details.

At St. Robert's we have carefully mapped out the progression of skills across the different strands within Computing from Early Years through to Year 4.
We have mapped out each year group's computing curriculum based on three key strands. Each strand is studied in progressively greater detail from Y1 - Y4. These strands include Computer Science coding and Computational Thinking and Computer Science Theory, Information Technology and Online Safety.
We also ensure IT is used across the Curriculum to support the children's learning. This may include taking photos is Science lessons, researching unfamiliar vocabulary during reading or completing further research during a history lesson using handheld devices.
Key Stage 2 children use their coding skills to program digital devices.
Year 3 used Micro:bits to create interactive pets.
 STEM Links
Year 4 children built and programmed rides using Crumble Controllers.
Subject Enrichment: Lego League

What is FIRST® LEGO® League?

FIRST® LEGO® League introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to our children through fun, exciting hands-on learning. The children gain real-world problem solving experience through a guided, global robotics program, helping today's students and teachers build a better future together.

This is designed to inspire children to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning and robotics.

St Robert's Catholic First School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH