'Play is the highest form of research.' - Albert Einstein 

EYFS leader: Mrs Hall
Here at St Robert’s First School we have designed our Early Years curriculum to reflect our school vision; ‘to provide a stimulating learning experience which encourages our children to aspire to excellence in all areas of life. They will become happy, confident, independent and resilient, treating others with the respect and love that Jesus taught us’. By the end of their Reception year, we aim for our children to have mastered the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to be ready for their next steps. We strive to nurture our children’s interests and empower them to cultivate an innate curiosity for learning, taking ownership of their early education. We place great importance on outdoor learning, aiming to spark curiosity, engage the senses and nurture a deep connection with the natural world.

St Robert's Catholic First School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH