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Buddies - Peer Support
We have peer support systems in our school; Buddies, Sports Leaders, Worship leaders, Mini Vinnies, House captains and Head Boy/Girl.
Our Buddies are Year 4 children who support other children in the school by:
- Helping them find someone to play with and support their friendships
- Helping injured children by informing members of staff and being a companion while they are being treated
- Being a companion to upset children
- Teaching children new games or sports
- Encouraging good behaviour in the playground, corridor and cloakroom areas
- Modelling good behaviour
Our Head Boy and Girl (and Deputies):
- Support in celebration assembly
- Show prospective parents around school
- Lead the school council
We also have House Captains who:
- Arrange sports and games activities for the children during playtimes
- Lead their house during Sports Day